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Are you
ready to commit
to your future?


About Us

Professional Interactions Inc. is a 501c3 Nonprofit that provides access to certified Life and Confidence Coaches at minimum or NO cost to all agreeable participants.

Our focus is providing

Strategies to Success

Emotional Support


Our Mission

Professional Interactions Inc. (PI), as a 501c3 nonprofit, provides access to certified life and career coaches. The certified life and career coaches of PI provide wellness and self-determination skills to disadvantaged academically, economically, and socially individuals and families. We will offer employment readiness training, linkage to behavioral health treatment, and other services that promote health and asset building.

Speak Life, Reposition, Be the best YOU,
and Breath Success (SRBB)

Career Coaching

We provide access to career coaches to
help develop the fundamental skills
needed for permanent employment.

How we help:

  • Establish the goal

  • Examining the current reality

  • Exploring the options

  • Job placement

  • Accountability partner


Life Coaching

Professional Interactions will support developing a system of change in your everyday walk of life.

How we help:

  • Facilitate conversations that inspires action

  • Assist with creating your plan of action

  • Accountability partner


Fundraising Activities

Check back later for updates about our fundraising activities

There has never been a more important time to be a coach!

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